Bethel Christian Church of Arthur
Welcome to our family here at Bethel Christian Church. Our greatest desire is to share Christ's love and message with the world around us! We believe that others should truly know we are Christians by our love! We invite you to come, study and worship with us as we seek to "know and show Christ's love."

If you would like to know more about how to have a life changing relationship with Jesus Click Here

Recent News

Annual Garage Sale - Thursday 3/27 9am-5pm, Friday 3/28 9am-5pm, and Sasturday 3/29 9am-noon.  All proceeds to go Missions.  

Spring Business Meeting - March 30th.  We will have a potluck after the worship service and then the business meeting.  All are welcome.



God Bless
About BCC Arthur

We are a non-denominational, independent church that has a traditional style of worship service. We fully believe in salvation through Jesus Christ and the truth of God's word and this is evident in all of our services. If you have further questions about our church feel free to contact Pastor Chris Baker.
Regular Services

Sunday School: am
Sunday Service: am
Wednesday Night: pm
Designed by
Mitchell D. Openlander